Friday, May 12, 2006

Back To Basics...

Today was the first day in a very long time where I didn't have to worry about anything but my simple little life. It was delightful!

I got up at seven (which is heavenly, given that I've been up before six most mornings since September), helped my husband round the girls up for school (he handled shower duty, I made lunches), then headed BACK to bed to read after everyone left. GLORIOUS.

I meandered into the shower around nine and ran a few errands before meeting PTrinity for lunch (PTrinity wants a new pseudonym, by the way, so be on the lookout for that - I'll let you know when I come up with one that adequately suits her). After a LOVELY lunch and a tiny bit of browsing in a fun downtown shop, we parted ways and I headed to my dentist to pick up some medication ahead of my appointment on Monday. After that, I went on a completely pointless search for reasonably priced gas, then came home for a few minutes before the girls came home.

I met the lovelies at the bottom of the driveway where I bundled them into the car for a visit to my grandparents. Grampa regaled me with his adventures in genealogy (I've been set to the task of helping him hunt down a difficult-to-trace great-great-great-great grandfather) and told Gramma the story of my thesis presentation. After our visit, the girls and I headed back and met Daddy at a grocery store in the town where Daddy works. We all picked out dinner (I chose garlic hummos and salad - yummy!) and headed home to feast.

As I write this, we're all on the couch watching the Red Sox (currently losing three to nuthin' against the Rangers).

Life is, indeed, good.


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